8 common home inspection defects (and more)
This blog is going to go over the most common defects found in a home inspection, the defects severity, and common recommendations made to correct these defects. Many defects may be found in your home inspection, from relatively small issues such as cosmetic defects or broken window seals all the way to major defects such as a dangerous electrical panel or a failing roof. Learning about these common issues is a great way to help understand your inspection report in greater detail! These details are provided in bullet point formatting below.
Now that we have covered some common issues, let's talk about one final issue that I find to be the most common,
Improper grading and/or drainage. Improper grading such as the ground sloping towards the home has the potential to cause major issues such as basement water intrusion, or even damage to the foundation due to hydrostatic pressure. This issue is compounded even more when gutters drain close to the foundation. Improving grading and drainage is a relatively inexpensive way to reduce chances of wet basements or foundation issues caused by water. And lastly
NO downspouts should drain onto a roof below, this causes areas of localized wear that may need replacement much quicker than the rest of the roof.